The Arctic Public Academy of Sciences concludes: uST Innovative Solutions are ready for implementation

According to the expert assessment of the scientific organization, uST Transport surpasses other transport systems and is able to solve the problems of inaccessibility of the northern regions of Russia.

As noted in the document, the innovative solutions of uST exceed alternative and conventional transport and infrastructure systems including those for solving the problems of sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Technical, operational, economic, and other characteristics of the uST Transport Complexes offer great opportunities for transport development in various parts of the country, increasing the mobility of freight transport and improving the quality of life of the population.

According to the expert opinion, uST Transport and Infrastructure Solutions are capable of improving approaches in the field of urban planning, organization of production and logistics chains, as well as development of remote and hard-to-reach territories where it will be possible to organize comfortable living and work of people along communication lines. This will not only save Russia from such problems as the “Northern Delivery”, but also significantly increase the mobility of the population.

Check the link for the detailed conclusion of the St. Petersburg Scientific Public Organization of the Arctic Public Academy of Sciences.