uTerra Biofertilizers Presented at an Exhibition in the UAE

On January 22, the agricultural exhibition Expo Al Dhaid opened in Sharjah. Organized at the initiative of the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it stands as one of the region's most significant events in the field of agriculture.

Farmers share their expertise, showcase innovative technologies, and discuss the latest industry trends at the event. Uterra Middle East Agro Industries presented unique biofertilizers at the exhibition—uTerra fertility elixir and crumbly biohumus.

uTerra fertility elixir and biohumus are unique innovations by Anatoli Unitsky, designed to restore soil fertility and produce high-quality crops that are rich in biogenic elements.

An original technology was developed for the production of uTerra biofertilizers. It involves the use of thousands of species of agronomically valuable anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms, along with a specially bred species of earthworm named Lumbricus uTerris. This earthworm can consume lignite and oil shale.

uTerra products contain more beneficial soil microorganisms than black soil, a full range of minerals, enzymes, vitamins, natural soil antibiotics, amino acids, humic substances, as well as macro-, micro-, and ultra-microelements essential for the proper growth and development of all types of plants.

According to the creator of the development, Anatoli Unitsky, his biofertilizers are unique and can increase crop yields by 30–50%:

"My project for producing uTerra organic fertilizers evolved from space research and is an integral part of the uSpace program. In my studies, I aimed to provide humanity with a solution capable of not only restoring degraded and desertified lands without harming the environment but also enhancing the fertility of all existing soil types on the planet. This solution became the uTerra product line—100% eco-friendly organic biofertilizers.

Thanks to the proprietary formula, the Lumbricus uTerris earthworm, and the use of materials collected from all continents, we can recreate the relict soil that existed on the planet millions of years ago. No one else in the world has the capability to do this."

In the UAE, the construction of a uTerra production facility has been completed, and all necessary  documents for the products have been obtained. Its location will enable efficient supply chain logistics by sea to virtually any country in the world. Additionally, the relatively low cost of energy resources in the Gulf Cooperation Council region provides the company with a competitive edge over other fertilizer manufacturers.

The facility is already equipped with a unit for bottling and packaging the fertility elixir. Over the past month, efforts have been focused on expanding the worm colony and producing crumbly biohumus. Preparations for the full-scale production cycle are now in their final stages.